Our leadership acknowledges that our members constitute our most valuable resource. To fortify local roots in every state, we seek individuals interested in enhancing the involvement of local wedding professionals within ABC.
You're being invited to apply to participate in this special project. The special project would consist of either overseeing a PODS (professional opportunity development - a small geographical group,) or coordinating all the PODs in the state. With several PODs in a State, the membership would grow to 20 or more members. Our objective is to cultivate your region and appoint an active State Manager to each State.
What would you do?
Communicate with members and non-members by posting relevant content on ABC’s social media pages. This may include emailing potential members, calling past members about renewing, etc.
Coordinate at least four gatherings this year. (Examples: face-to-face local meetings, conference calls, webinars, tours, or other forums that provide an environment for education and/or networking.)
Act as a point of contact for local member questions, concerns, and issues.
Follow guidelines and policies as directed by the Director of Members at Large.
Manage overall activities without a financial loss. Provide a report of activities, as requested.
If you choose to oversee a local PODS, for your assistance you will receive:
1 educational point towards membership upgrade for personally sponsoring a new ABC member (limit total of 10 points.)
After six months as a local PODS leader, if you choose to oversee all the PODS in your state, for your assistance you will receive:
Free annual membership for one year, on your 2024 renewal and
Once the membership in your state reaches 20 total members, you will become State Manager. This position comes with additional financial compensation.
Applications will be accepted until March 1, 2024.
Once your application is approved, a meeting will be set up with your Director of Members at Large to set goals for membership and to discuss networking opportunities for your state. We want you to succeed in this opportunity so we will arm you with all the assistance that you need to be successful.
You will have the full support of the Director, Member at Large, Jennifer Ball, and Vice President - Membership, Lois Pearce.
If either of these opportunities is of interest to you, we look forward to your application.