ABC WOW Annual Conference Speaker – Rachel Sheerin

Follow us every Wednesday as we connect with this years Conference Speakers.


Today, see what Rachel Sheerin shares with us as we ask the following questions.

1. What are 2 key words (phrases) to describe what attendees will take away from attending your Keynote Presentation?

  • Understanding, appreciating and acknowledging how we prefer to behave, how others view us and how clients react can spell out fulfillment, bigger bank accounts and more joy in work and life.

    When you're chasing success that matters to you, crushing your goals feels like winning Powerball. There's no other sensation like it, the trick is making sure your goals are alligned with what you really what (as opposed to what you should want, have to have, etc).

2. What would you say was the most important lesson (good or bad) that has impacted the way you evolved your business at these different stages:

Running a business is full of lessons, highs and lows, good and bad, but if I had to pick 3 lessons I've learned along the way, it would be:

  • GET CLEAR ON YOUR VALUES: When you're building your business, make sure you know what your values are and build a company and lifestyle around that. Want more time with family? No 80 hour work weeks here. Want to have a house in Maui, condo in NYC and yurt in Seattle? Awesome, so building in travel and remote work has got to be part of your business plan, too. Many of us enjoy the flexibility entrepreneurship offers but rarely do I see anyone take full advantage of it in ways that matter to them. Start with the values closest to your heart and create a business that puts space for those things first and work second - I can tell you from experience that looking in the rearview mirror of life, you'll be glad you did it.

  • LET GO OF EXPECTATIONS OF OTHERS: Listen, I wish that my announcements of good news professionally were met with the same amount of likes as a sleeping baby photo, but it's just not the case! No one will support your business like you will support it, so don't put expectations on others to support, purchase, cheer on, refer or care about your business. It's your role to care the most about your business and no one else. Expectations can really roar their heads when they're not met, so take care to not set expectations on your friends and family on how they should support you and your business. Joining professional groups like ABC help build a super strong, supportive network of people liking, sharing and supporting your business so invest your time in attending, volunteering and gaining a whole new set of supporters, peers and mentors!

  • CREATE YOURSELF: The canvas is completely blank so have fun creating newness in your life! Whether it's a new business, new professional identity (aka a complete job/industry change), new package, new style, new niche or new attitude, never limit yourself by what you "have always been". Want to be an early riser? Great! Do it. Thinking of pivoting into luxury elopement planning? Heck yeah, you got this. Have a desire to become a keynote speaker like me? Awesome - get to developing your message and slide deck today. There is absolutely nothing stopping you except for the belief that you "can't" change. Don't let your history define your future and let that creativity flow - you'll be surprised how much fun business can be when you let your fears go and lean into your desires.

3. What motivates you to continue being a part of this industry?

  •  It's the only industry in the world centered around love and what we're doing right as a community and world. We're a gathering of passionate creatives who want to celebrate everything and I want to help all of us succeed, emotionally and financially, so that we can keep on doing what we love, with people we love forever. And, let's face it - we're a blast and know how to PARTY!

4. If you were starting your business today, what is one tip you would share with new planners/designers?  

  • The world doesn't need anymore copies - t's needs you, your wild ideas and intuition guiding you. Don't pay attention to what everyone else is doing - there's no formula for great design. Rulebreakers and trendsetters are 2 names for the same people, so go on with your creative self and leave the comparison game in the dust. You're the only you we've got, showcase it loud and proud!

    Oh, and ask for the sale! Can't get paid if you don't ask for the deposit and contract. It's not that scary, I promise! Especially after you come to my keynote!


Visit ABC Annual Conference for more details on the conference.


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