ABC WOW Annual Conference Speaker – Stacey Foley

 Today, we hear from Stacey Foley, The Stacey Foley.

1. What are 2 key words (phrases) to describe what attendees will take away from attending your Keynote Presentation?

  •  1. Honouring your purpose

  • 2. Connecting to your brand

2. What would you say was the most important lesson (good or bad) that has impacted the way you evolved your business at these different stages:  

  • In the beginning of my business, listen to your intuition. When you start your business it’s so important to listen to your gut. You know what your purpose is. Honour that. Chase after what it is that you want and trust you know best

  • In the middle, there is no such thing as failure, it is simply a sign that you need to shift your direction. Business is ever evolving and that’s ok. It’s ok to change directions. It’s ok to rebrand with a different focus. It ok to change your path. Knowing what’s best for you, and your business, will allow you find your success.

  • Where I am now, Be Authentic. We live in a time where people crave connection. When we are authentic and honour our stories, we have the ability to open up a whole new level of service and connection with our clients. 3. What motivates you to continue being a part of this industry? Connection. We have the ability to create a beautiful community as creatives. As like-minded, compassionate individuals we are all connected through the love of weddings and serving others. Bringing creative women together, in a space of love and encouragement, is my greatest motivation. 

3. What motivates you to continue being a part of this industry? Connection. We have the ability to create a beautiful community as creatives. As like-minded, compassionate individuals we are all connected through the love of weddings and serving others. Bringing creative women together, in a space of love and encouragement, is my greatest motivation.

4. If you were starting your business today, what is one tip you would share with new planners/designers?Know your why. Understanding WHY you want to be a wedding planner, and having a personal and emotional connection to your choice, will allow you to start your business from a place of authenticity. When you are connected on an emotional level to your business, you are then able to attract your ideal clients.



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