Association of Bridal Consultants

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Seasoned Professionals

SeasoneProsStaying Ahead of Trends in the Information AgeThe difference between seasoned wedding professionals and the young up-and-comers is experience and advanced training. The youth, and those new to the industry, are continually trying to hone their skills to create a competitive atmosphere in their companies and grow their name in the industry. Where youth has an edge is in information dissemination. They have spent their entire lives trading information electronically. So, clearly in this day and age of immediate information sharing, it is easy for them to learn about and share trends quickly and efficiently. It is an area where the older folks are trying constantly to keep up. The ins and outs of design integrityMany people, from clients to professionals, lift ideas from social media sites like Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter; replicate it; and call it their own. It makes today’s proprietary designs nearly impossible to hold onto. What I tell people all the time is that if they are going to look at other people’s designs and utilize them, they should try to make the designs different enough to actually own their finished product. That is not always easy to do. Couples are also looking at these social media outlets for inspiration. And they often want exactly what they see in the images. It forces professionals to duplicate other’s designs, even if we don’t want to do that. I encourage clients to allow me some freedom to alter the finished product in a way that makes it fresh, while keeping the basic structure in mind. After all, a wedding should be as unique as the couple’s personalities. However, that is not always possible. Maintaining a marketable presenceAs a result of these design conflicts of interest, I spent a great deal of time fighting the possibility of joining Pinterest. I felt it was a breeding ground for illegal photo credit theft. But, after a time, I realized that I had no choice. My brides were and are looking at it. Therefore, I had to as well. I’ve learned that Pinterest is a great tool for showcasing your taste in a marketable way. People who are looking at you and your work will examine your pins and determine whether you are a good fit for them. So, from a marketing standpoint, having a Pinterest presence can be a major advantage. So how do you make it work for you? Maintain a page for your business that shows your taste, style, and what appeals. Try not to junk it up with those unhealthy foods you are hoping to make. If you have pages like that, make them private and show only the things that improve your brand. As for our clients, we suggest they create wedding inspiration pages and make them private so their friends don’t see. Then, they can invite us as collaborators. When they pin things they like for their wedding, we either like it or not. This is a great way of communicating with the client whether or not what they are seeing and admiring is right for their wedding. When clients hire us, they want to be of the same mind. And this is a great way to do it. This type of communication feels like we’re in the Information Age without texting or picking up the phone. When setting up pages in Pinterest, make sure you create different folders for different types of items—such as flowers, gowns, photographers, cakes, food, etc. That way, followers can visit these pages and see what you like. Stay current to stay competitiveFor those of us who have been around a while, we must compete just like those who are less seasoned. We must wrap our heads around social media and electronic communication so that the kiddos of the world don’t elbow us out of the market before we’re ready to leave!Live long, and keep pinning—and posting. Donnie Brown, CWP™, Donnie Brown Weddings and Events, Dallas